Winter 2024 Newsletter

Celebration of Faith 2023 Success!
In October, over 300 supporters of the Central Washington Catholic Foundation gathered at the new St. Joseph Marquette Catholic School gym for the Celebration of Faith 2023. Led by Master of Ceremonies Kristin Moore, Director of Marketing and Enrollment for the Office for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle, the evening honored the accomplishments of the many programs of the Foundation as well as six Champions of Catholic Education. The six Champions of Catholic Education were Fr. Ricardo Koelker, John Riel, Catherine Valiant, Kelly Sauer, Carlene Markfelder, and Gregg Pleger.
A new Paddle Raise record was set by Dr. Gene Sharratt, raising more than $68,000 to support the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).
Thank you to all who attended, pledged, volunteered, and continue to support the work of the Central Washington Catholic Foundation.
CWCF Now Offers Donor Advised Funds
A Donor Advised Fund, or DAF, is an investment account that allows a person to support a variety of charitable organizations, including the Central Washington Catholic Foundation. A DAF is a flexible, tax efficient, and simple way to support multiple non-profit organizations with one gift. Once established, a DAF can experience tax-free growth that can give you more giving power to support your favorite charities over time.
The Central Washington Catholic Foundation is proud to be able to offer, assist in managing the account, and distribute Donor Advised Funds. To learn more, visit
The mission of the Central Washington Catholic Foundation is to support Catholic education.
The CWCF strives to facilitate Catholic philanthropy and to pass our faith heritage to future generations. To learn more about our Foundation, visit
From the Diocese of Yakima
Dear Friends,
As we move from Christmas and through the New Year I hope you’ve had a chance to contemplate the birth of Christ.
“God comes as a baby!” That’s how our late Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI puts it. Why does the omnipotent God come as a powerless baby? Babies are so compelling! They demand to be held. The compel us to reach out. They spark a response. God comes as a baby to inspire a response?
Why respond? Because we need to be saved. Salvation and redemption are words that pass too easily between our lips. We forget that St Paul picks up these terms from the first century world of human trafficking. Someone else has to bail us out. Someone else has to save us. We cannot save ourselves.
Our need for a savior has its antecedents in the Old Testament psalms. “Out of the depths I cry to you! Lord hear my voice!” (Psalm 130:1-2). When we are enslaved by sin and held captive by evil it is as though we are down a deep dark slippery hole. We need someone to pull us out. We cannot rescue ourselves. We need a savior.
But how many of us know the addiction, the dysfunction, the broken pattern – indeed the rootedness of sin? Where do we need that saving hand to pull us out?
Catholic schools and Catholic formations in our parishes exist not simply for the kids themselves but for our sanctification. We become better when we put the kids first. We experience salvation when we teach them. How true is the adage: We learn best what we teach.
This is why God becomes human. To compel a free response in the most attractive way.
Thanks for the many ways you respond with your time, your treasure and your talent to our kids. See in those whom you donate to serve in our 38 parishes as well as our grade schools and high schools the face of the Christ child bringing you salvation. “God comes as a baby!”
I close with these words of Pope Francis and his Christmas message this year.
“Let us exult in this gift of grace! … Rejoice, you who have abandoned all hope, for God offers you His outstretched hand; He does not point a finger at you, but offers you His little baby hand, in order to set you free from your fears, to relieve you of your burdens and to show you that, in His eyes, you are more valuable than anything else.”
Blessings in the New Year, Most Reverend Joseph J.
Faith, Excellence, Service – Educating Youth for Over 65 Years
Wenatchee, WA – St. Joseph Catholic School announces that Bishop Joseph Tyson of the Diocese of Yakima has approved the addition of a middle school starting with sixth grade in 2024-2025, with the intent of adding seventh and eighth grade over the following two consecutive years. This news comes under the leadership of Lisa Martinez, Principal, who is an alumna of St. Joseph Catholic School, and has been overseeing recent growth at the school thanks to her shared leadership with Pastor, Fr. Osmar Aguirre.
St. Joseph Catholic School has been serving the Wenatchee Valley since 1955 and is grateful for the decades of support from the community. There is a shared belief between St. Joseph Catholic School and Church that the addition of a middle school will provide a comprehensive and faith-based education that will nurture and serve the students and prepare them for the future. “I feel strongly that God is working with us through this process with the teams in place who have a shared vision of shared leadership in working towards the formation of our children during their most vulnerable and formative years, which is powerful”, said Lisa Martinez. Fr. Osmar added that, “This is a Divine investment of faith first, and where there is good spiritual formation, there is good academic formation as faith lends itself to a holistic education filled with hope.”
St. Joseph Catholic School’s mission is to educate youth in faith, excellence, and service, and it is believed that this expansion is another step in fulfilling that mission. The school community is excited for the future growth and opportunities that await our campus and our students. “I have been waiting for the addition of a Catholic middle school since we moved to Wenatchee in 2005. My hope remains that with this addition of a Catholic middle school, a Catholic high school, God willing, will also be in the future of Wenatchee,” said Wendy Flanagan, herself the parent of SJCS alumni and Director of Advancement. The school recently transitioned long-time teacher, Erin Stitt, to Instructional Coach and has had Deacon Robert Turner as School Chaplain. In addition, commissions have been implemented to help support the school’s mission with a School Advisory Commission, Finance Advisory Commission and Advancement Advisory Commission. With these educational, administrative and clergy teams in place, St. Joseph Catholic School, which has been serving the Wenatchee Valley since 1955, is prepared and well-equipped to serve students in preschool to sixth grade in the 2024-2025 school year.

Are you ready to support one of our many programs? Making a donation is easy by visiting our website at:
Donors from July 1st – December 31st, 2023
In Memory of David Murray
Steve & Kathleen Wilmes
Peggy Fewel
Alonzo & Lillian Joslin
Betty Jo Murray
John Rodriguez Kranz Scholarship Fund
Kathy Erickson
Jack and Janie Kranz Hope McDonald
John & Nancy Rossmeissl
Msgr. Sweeney Endowment
Mershed & Dima Alsamara Michael Brooks
Victor & MaryAnn Dulock
Jr. Kay Gonzales
Jack Krajicek
Wesley & Tricia Lewallen
Jesse & Renee Martinez
Jeremiah McElligott
James & Debra McGrogan
Nancy Phillip
Jose & Janie Salazar
Victor & Clara Weil
Melinda Mills Memorial Fund
Nathan & Katrina Bornstein
Matthew & Stephanie Giannandrea
Andrew & Meredith Mills
Sam & Vickie Mills
Mary Ellen Chott-Mahre Scholarship
Denis and Christine Gamache
Russell & Kathleen Forman
Michael & Jackie Murphy
Paul Ackerman
Gordon & Kathy Beecher
Marie Clark
Doroteo & Rose Collado
Lisa Downey
Bryan & Mary Evenson
Ginger Henderson
Fr. Keolker
Agnes Luisi
Rick & Kathy Qunell
Wallace & Diana Schlauder
Dave & Ann Sonn
John & Jean Stadsvold
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As we step into the promising embrace of the New Year, the Central Washington Catholic Foundation extends our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support in 2023. Your commitment to our mission has illuminated countless lives, and we embark on this 2024 journey with renewed vigor and strength. As the need to expand and share Catholic education to all who desire it grows, we thank our supporters for their incredible generosity to sustain the programs at the CWCF.
As the frost yields to the warmth of spring in the coming months, let us anticipate the blossoming of Hope and Faith in our Catholic community. The upcoming Lenten Season invites us to reflect on our shared values and strengthen the bonds that make our Foundation resilient to the outside noise and distractions of everyday life. In the spirit of growth, we invite you to explore the opportunities that lie ahead in your Parish and School communities. Open enrollment in our schools stands as an opportunity for those seeking a nurturing environment that fosters both academic excellence and spiritual development. Parish religious education programs are another great way for our youth to deepen their connection to our faith. It is our responsibility to encourage that growth and lead by example. I encourage each of us to share the great work of our Parishes and Schools with family, friends, neighbors and business associates. It is time to be modern-day evangelists. And, it is as easy as signing up for a newsletter, sharing a bulletin or social media post, or sending a quick text to someone who might be interested in learning more about the benefits of Catholic education.
May this season of renewal inspire us to sow the seeds of compassion, knowledge, and unity. Together, we cultivate a legacy that transcends generations. For those seeking to make an impact, the Foundation offers a variety of giving mechanisms to support your ongoing generosity including Donor Advised Funds, Named Endowment Funds, estate planning resources, and of course, unrestricted gifts are always welcome.
With gratitude and anticipation,
Agustina Rankin
CWCF Board President
Donors from July 1st – December 31st, 2023 con’t
Celebration of Faith 2023
Abeyta Nelson Injury Law
Terry Abeyta
Diana Aparicio
Steve & Jane Baldock
Gordon & Kathy Beecher
Gene & Shelley Benningfield
Bill & Marla Borton
David & Siobhan Brown
Scott Brumback
Celia Butterfield
Burrows Tractor Co.
Cascade Autocenter Barbara Calhoun
Joe & Jaime Canape Ismael Cano
Catholic Charities
Bob & Donna Cash
Becky Cates
Esteban & Noemy Chapula
Christ the King Catholic School
Christ the King Parish
Patricia Chvatal
Mark & Lora Congleton
Gary & Patsy Connors
Ana Contreras
Don & Sue Curet
Leo & Joyce Daugherty Warren Dickman
Diocese of Yakima
Scott & Joan Eschbach
Shawn & Desiree Exner
Pete & Siri Fadich Wendy
Flanagan Valeria Flores
Tim & Deb Franson
Catherine Fredericks
Jon & Charity Gamache
Trevis George
Kevin & Helen Ghirardo Edna Golob
Deacon Andy & Elvia Gonzalez
Chuck & Debbie Graaff
Anita Griffin
Karl & Kyle Hadley
Christina Hagarty
Tom & Marge Halgren
Celebration of Faith 2023, Cont.
Steven Harrison
Bill & Sandi Hays
Elizabeth & Keith Henry
Doug & Danette Hester
Ted & Erica Hohl
Holy Spirit Parish
Fernando & Rosalinda Ibarra
Richard & Lisa Jacobs
Charles Jinneman
James & Barb Johnson
Karen Johnson
Charles & Barbara Jones
Evan & Sue Jones
Richard & Nancy Kallenberger
Ted & Lisa Kanelopoulos
Debbie Kennedy
Kevin & Eileen Cays
Cheri Kilty
Arnie & Ruth Korynta
Jared & Brandi Krause
Jon Lane
La Salle High School
Beatrice Lovell
Kevin & Megan Maas
Jerry & Rita Magnaghi
Joan Martin
Lisa Martinez
Russ & Nancy Mazzola
Jerry & Philene McDonald
Mick McDonald
Anthony & Christina Mejia
Emma Mendoza
Steve Mercy
Kathi Mercy
Chris & Christine Mertens
Melissa Montenegro
Guillermo & Claudia Monter
Scott & Pat Moore
Sarah Moore
Gary & Barbara Morford
Betty Jo Murray
Scott & Irene Niemi
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Manuel & Linda Orozco
Rick & Kelli Orth
Elizabeth Owczarski
Celebration of Faith 2023, Cont.
Jeff & Kris Peugh
Fred & Katy Pitzer
John & Nancy Probst
John & Dianna Propson
Keith & Sharon Qunell
Red Willow Winery
Agustina Rankin & Tim Brigman
Mark & Suzanne Rettig
Doug & Debbie Rich
Ron & Melissa Richter
John & Michelle Riel
Kevin & Theresa Riel
Rosalie Rockrill
Victor Rohret
Janay Roy-Verhey
Richard & Dora Russell
Margaret Russell, M.D.
Saint Martin’s University
Silvia Sanchez
Helen Sauer
Mike & Susan Schell
Joseph & Sherry Schroeder
Fr. Bill Shaw
Jonathan & Erin Shirey
Sisters of Providence
Terry & Denise Sliger
Dave & Ann Sonn
Ray & Dianne St. Mary
St. Andrew’s Catholic Church
St. Joseph Marquette School
St. Joseph Parish, Yakima
St. Joseph Parish, Kennewick
St. Mary’s Parish, White Swan
John & Jean Stadsvold
Susan & Paul Stamschror
Gary & Sherry Street
Sean & Elizabeth Sweeney
Marcia Sziebert
Peter & Peggy Turping
Greg & Patricia Vasquez
Timm & Sarah Wauzynski
Ed & Bea Wellner
Rachel Willsey
Steve & Mary Wimer
Yakima Theaters
Board of Trustees 2023-2024
President, Agustina Rankin (Christ the King, Richland)
Treasurer, Linda Orozco (Holy Family, Yakima)
Secretary. Anthony Mejia (Our Lady of Fatima, Moses Lake)
Vice President, Wendy Flanagan (St. Joseph, Wenatchee)
Past President, Steve Mercy (Holy Rosary, Moxee)
Rev. Brooks Beaulaurier (St. Juan Diego, Cowiche and St. John, Naches)
Steve Baldock (St. Joseph, Wenatchee)
Gordon Beecher (Christ the King, Richland)
Kevin Maas (Holy Spirit, Richland)
Betty Jo Murray (St. John, Naches)
John Stadsvold (Christ the King, Richland)
Matt Beaton (Holy Spirit, Kennewick)
Jane Baldock (St. Joseph, Wenatchee)
Terry Sliger (Christ the King, Richland)
Russ Mazzola (St. John, Naches)
Ex-Officio Member
Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson
Jon Lane (Our Lady of Fatima, Moses Lake)
Fr. Richard Sedlacek (Our Lady of Lourdes, Selah)
Ronald St. Hilaire (St. Joseph, Kennewick)
George Ahrend (St. Rose of Lima, Ephrata)
John Riel (Holy Rosary, Moxee)
Ann Sonn (St. Joseph, Wenatchee)
Executive Director
Nicole St. Mary – Franson (Holy Rosary, Moxee)
Melissa Richter and Jo Spencer