The Champions of Catholic Education Awards honor and celebrate individuals for their outstanding efforts, contributions, and achievements on behalf of Catholic school and parish religious education. Awards are presented annually during the Celebration of Faith annual fundraiser at the Yakima Convention Center.

Use our form below to submit your nominee.

The Four Nomination Categories Include:

Outstanding Leadership Award

(formerly Special Honoree) is presented to a senior priest, Catholic school or Catholic ministry program leader, who has made a lifelong commitment to supporting faith education.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Religious Education Award

is presented to a person who has dedicated themselves to supporting parish faith education.

Saint John Baptist De La Salle Educator Award

is presented to an individual who has excelled as a Catholic school educator or support staff.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Community Award

is presented to an individual or business who has been a major faith education benefactor/volunteer.

July 1 - All Nominations

Champions of Catholic Education Nomination Form