Learn more about the Grants & Awards, Scholarships and other programs that we have to offer at CWCF.

Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Grants

Grant Cycle

January 1 - April 30

Does your parish desire to provide a more dynamic religious education experience?

PREP Grants provide support for Catechist training, a stipend for volunteer religious education coordinators, and support for religious education programs.

Training support stipends will be available until funds are expended.

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) Grants

Grant Cycle

New request: May 1

Current TAP student deadline: April 1

Do you know someone that would like to send their child to a Catholic school?

TAP Grants provide tuition assistance for children to attend one of the eight Catholic schools in Central Washington.

Please inform your local Catholic school before applying!

College Scholarships

Grant Cycle

January 1 - April 30

Our foundation offers three scholarships:

  • Celebration of Faith Scholarship
  • John Rodriquez-Kranz Memorial Scholarship
  • Mary Ellen Chott-Mahre Scholarship

Digital Learning Fund Program

Grant Cycle

January 1 - April 30

Each parish, school, or ministry serving the Diocese of Yakima may request a grant of up to $1,000 to support digital learning such as technology, curriculum, or support materials.

Champion of Catholic Education Awards

Nominate by

July 1

Whose praises do you want to sing?

The Champion of Catholic Education Awards honor and celebrate individuals for their outstanding efforts, contributions, and achievements on behalf of Catholic school and parish education

Grants & Awards Grants & Awards