The 2014 Celebration of Faith event, held October 11 at the Yakima Convention Center, was a big success! We were able to hear from Francis Cardinal George, Sr. Kathleen Ross and Joe Womac as well as the St. Joseph School Honor Choir. We honored the 2014 Champions of Education as Cardinal George presented their award plaques. To top it off, we raised $265,000 for the Celebration of Faith Fund which provides tuition assistance for children to attend our Catholic schools in Central Washington and grants to support parish religious education programs.
2014 Champions of Catholic Foundation!
The 2014 Champions of Catholic Education have been selected!
The St. Thomas Aquinas Award is presented to an individual who has been a major benefactor of Catholic education in Central Washington. The 2014 recipient is Jim McConnell of St. Joseph Parish, Kennewick.
The St. John Baptist De La Salle Award is presented to those who have excelled as educators in our Catholic schools. The 2014 recipients are Fr. Tom Kuykendall of St. Joseph Parish, Wenatchee; Br. Jack Henderson of La Salle High School, Yakima; and Sr. Lucia Hinojosa of St. Joseph School, Wenatchee.
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award is presented to those who have dedicated their time, talent and treasure to religious education, faith formation and RCIA programs in their parishes. The 2014 recipients are Pat Moore of Holy Spirit Parish, Kennewick; Amalia Del Pozo of St. Joseph Parish, Kennewick; Maria Rosales of Our Lady of the Desert Parish, Mattawa; Lori Wasner of Christ the King Parish, Richland; Elvia Gonzales of St. Mary Parish, White Swan; and Rose Meyer of Holy Family Parish, Yakima.
These awards will be presented at the third annual Celebration of Faith event at the Yakima Convention Center on October 11, 2014.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Awards

Maria Rosales
Mattawa, WA

Rose Meyer
Yakima, WA

Elvia Gonzalez
White Swan, WA

Lori Wasner
Richland, WA

Amalia Del Pozo
Kennewick, WA

Pat Moore
Kennewick, WA
Saint John Baptist De Le Salle Awards
Saint Thomas Aquinas Award

Sr. Lucia Hinojosa, MDVPM
Wenatchee, WA

Br. Jack Henderson
Yakima, WA

Rev. Tom Kuykendall
Wenatchee, WA

Jim McConnell
Kennewick, WA
Thank You To Our Partners!

Steve & Jane Baldock
Randy & Jane Dickinson

Kevin & Teresa Riel

John & Michelle Riel
Dan & Karen Fortier
Paint Smith

Dave & Ann Sonn
Charlie & Doris O'Connor

Langevin-Mussetter Funeral Home

William Murphy