Day 11: Celebrating Religious Education
My name is Rylan Buchanan, I am the High School Youth Minister at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Wenatchee. We serve nearly one hundred high school youth in our parish through weekly youth group meetings and confirmation classes. At the end of winter when the Corona virus hit our Valley, we were uncertain how we would be able to provide for our volunteers and youth for the 2020-2021 program.
As we prepared to meet with our teens under the CDC guidelines in regards to COVID-19 we knew as a Parish we needed to provide our volunteer team, of twelve people, with updated training in the new program structure plus PPE.
Thanks to the Central Washington Catholic Foundation, we were able to host a couple small training sessions for our volunteer team with updated materials and buy masks for our volunteers. These important training sessions allowed our volunteers to continue learning how to walk with our youth through the confirmation process during the coronavirus pandemic. We are so grateful for the support from the CWCF, and the people who support them for helping our ministry grow and evolve during these ever changing times. We prayed that God would help us continue to serve these amazing teens and are grateful He led us to this foundation. Thank you for all you do for the ministries in the Diocese.